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Looking to add an ato to my system. I'm seriously considering a tunze osmolator but price concerns me. As an alternative I've considered purchasing an additional Reefkeeper lite ( I already have one) and using it's pc4 along with the RKL I already have set up. I'm guessing I could save the extra head unit and temp probe for back up and add a reekeeper float switch instead of the tunze for so much cheaper and get so much more out of it.

Makes sense to me but is going this route reliable? Also, is it just that simple to add a second pc4 to my existing RKL head unit? Will one head unit control all eight channels?


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I'm actually using a RKL with 2 PC4's and a float switch connected to the SL1. I was in the same boat. With the price of the ATO's, I just went with the controller and a float switch since I'll get more functions out of it.

No problems what so ever. It's really important to plug the ATO's pump to either the 1st or 4th port on the PC4, since it has some sort of mechanism to actually turn off the pump when the float switch deactivates.

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