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Advanced Reefer
Clifton, NJ
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83   0   0
Hello All,

I currently have the 2 Tunze 6055 on my 75G but I'm not sure I'm satisfied with the flow pattern. I'm have been mulling over replacing them with 2 MP20 or 1 MP40.
What are your thoughts for a 75g tank?



Advanced Reefer
New York
Rating - 100%
95   0   0
are the 6055's controllable? if so it might be cheaper to just get the 7095 controller. Vortech are really cool, but if you already have a tunze setup i wouldn't say that you will see a huge difference. the only reason i switched over to vortechs was because i had the old 6100 tunzes which were friking huge and took up a ton of tank space.

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