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Anyone have any ideas for which chiller to use for my 28g hqi nano cube. I run both pumps full time(no wavemaker) and have 2 nano koralias goin as well. On top of that i installed the power compact 2.18w upgrade. I was thinking either the 1/15 or 1/10 hp jbj chillers. If i use the 1/10 i was thinking an external mag drive pump. Anyone have either of these set ups that could push me toward one of these?



Barnum Island
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Anyone have any ideas for which chiller to use for my 28g hqi nano cube. I run both pumps full time(no wavemaker) and have 2 nano koralias goin as well. On top of that i installed the power compact 2.18w upgrade. I was thinking either the 1/15 or 1/10 hp jbj chillers. If i use the 1/10 i was thinking an external mag drive pump. Anyone have either of these set ups that could push me toward one of these?


Mag Drive pumps cannot be run externally.


Old School Reefer
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The 1/15th or 1/10th sound like the right ones. However, without knowing how hot the tank and room ambient temperature get it's tough to be really precise. The key to knowing the size chiller to use is the amount of total water and how many degrees it needs to drop the tank temperature.

For instance, if your 28g tank needs to drop the temp from 82 to 78, the 1/15th would be absolutely perfect. If you need to drop the temp from 93 to 76, I would certainly recommend the 1/10th.

Some people don't have air conditioning in their tank room and the windows in that room face south with no trees blocking them for shade. The room in the summer months can reach 95 degrees. With a ridiculous ambient room temp like that, the chiller is going to need to be oversized.

Hope this helps,

Almost forgot, Mag Drive pumps should NOT be run externally.


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well my room should never get hotter than 83-85 degrees, but an 85 degree room may shoot the tank temp up to 90 without help. i would be fine maintaining 80 in the tank, but does this mean the 1/15 will run non stop? I was leaning toward the 1/10 but finding a pump large enough to supply it that will fit in the rear chamber of my cube without removing the filter basket is holding me up at the moment. i was confused about the mag drive pumps, i figured in-line or submersible meant that it could do in or out of water, but i guess the water is key to keeping it cool.

on another note, I plan on moving the tank at the end of may to another house. here was my plan for that (happy to hear some constructive criticism as i have never done this)

*bag everything that i can remove just as the fish store would do
*drain water and live rock into a cooler or two to help hold the temp
*i was going to leave the sand in the bottom with about an inch or two of water and move it like that
*drive it up the parkway(1 hour) and reverse the steps

i could just break check the load every 60 seconds or so to provide some current, lol. realistically, i could have everything ripped apart and put back together in like 2-3 hours

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