Don't know how handy you are with DIY but what I've done is make my own drill! Before you really works. You need a good drill press for starters. Then take a 1" piece of galvanized conduit, grind a edge to it, take a 1" washer and weld it to the opposite end, take a 1/4" 20 bolt and weld that to the washer, HAS TO BE STRAIGHT.
Get some valve grinding compound from an auto parts store.
To actually drill the tank, take some molding clay and form a dike around the place you want to drill, add a small amount of the grinding compound, position the drill where you want to make a hole, then slooowly apply the drill bit to the glass, DON"T FORCE IT TO HARD! Takes about 10mins. to drill through 3/8" glass. Also put a backup on the underside of the hole, a board works fine for me.
If you don't have the grinder,drillpress, welder, etc.....then like everyone above has said "have it done". Just happens I have all the necessary tools to do it. Good Luck!
[This message has been edited by Sean (edited 28 October 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Sean (edited 28 October 1999).]