although I am not sure exactly wich box sump you have I am going to tell you what to do.
take out all sand ,mud ,bioballs, rubble or rock, filter pads floss sponge drip trays filter socks cheato , or any other macro. snails hermits or anything else. good now you have a nice clean sump. buy the biggest skimmer you can jam into the sump, I suggest reef octopus if your sump has any kind of glass or acrylic cover.. throw that out also and or by pass any elbows and run the drains down to just above the the water surface so its no so loud.
now mark you sump with a sharpie at the water level u want and set your skimmer. keep the sump as close to the mark as possible with RO top off water. when you get sick of this buy an Auto Top Off from JBJ or something..
so decide on you coral and bio load. its pretty basic
lots of fish + lots of coral = buy a biopellet reactor and put it up stream of the skimmer and put a 2lf reactor down stream for carbon.
low fish lots of coral - buy a BRS dual reactor run carbon and gfo.
Lots of fish , few coral . buy a tlf(two little fishies) reactor run carbon.
do at least a 20% water change with good ro water per monthd
have good flow in main tank
vacume dead spots in sump.