Got an email to participate in the Apex Fusion firmware beta. I'm not big on loading beta (bugs!) firmware on any device, but I couldn't resist to see what was new with Apex Fusion. Since I would be home all day to keep an eye on things, I went ahead and started the process.
Updated the Apex to v4.31_1E14, created an account on Apex Fusion's website and linked my Apex to their server. Pretty straightforward process. Didn't dive into details features/function yet. Mobile control is much easier now as you don't need to tinker with port forwarding/opening firewall ports (if your tank happens to be behind a strict IT policy) to access your Apex externally. Instead, just open a web browser from your iOS/Android/any device with Internet capability and a functional web browser and point it to and login with the account you've created. Your Apex dashboard will be accessible from this website with full control of your Apex. The notification feature is pretty simple, but VERY helpful as you don't need to configure SMTPs or any aspect of email settings, even supports SMS text to your mobile phone. One new feature is allowing various Authorization levels to be defined. I won't be using this feature and guess most people won't need to either. But for say a maintenance company to lock the Apex settings to be inadvertently changed by their clients, this is very helpful. The authorization levels appear to be granular enough so that a happy medium can be achieved.
Here's what it looks like (that's not my fish):
Some nice graphing tools with historical data:
Anyone else part of the beta?
Updated the Apex to v4.31_1E14, created an account on Apex Fusion's website and linked my Apex to their server. Pretty straightforward process. Didn't dive into details features/function yet. Mobile control is much easier now as you don't need to tinker with port forwarding/opening firewall ports (if your tank happens to be behind a strict IT policy) to access your Apex externally. Instead, just open a web browser from your iOS/Android/any device with Internet capability and a functional web browser and point it to and login with the account you've created. Your Apex dashboard will be accessible from this website with full control of your Apex. The notification feature is pretty simple, but VERY helpful as you don't need to configure SMTPs or any aspect of email settings, even supports SMS text to your mobile phone. One new feature is allowing various Authorization levels to be defined. I won't be using this feature and guess most people won't need to either. But for say a maintenance company to lock the Apex settings to be inadvertently changed by their clients, this is very helpful. The authorization levels appear to be granular enough so that a happy medium can be achieved.
Here's what it looks like (that's not my fish):

Some nice graphing tools with historical data:

Anyone else part of the beta?