Is there any place that can repair a Bm doser? For some odd reason my pumps aren't working? All three are not working in manual mode even. I heard of one breaking but all three? The programming and screen works fine. Has this happened to anyone?
I didbt hear the motors kicking on at all. I press manual control for pump 1-3. And none of them makes a peep. I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in. Is there another way to reset?
Good MorningEveryone,I'mHavingTroubleWithMyBmdoser Too.Pump#3HangsUpWithThePumpHeadRemoved.TurnTheShaftThenItGoesAroundEFeeTimesAndStops.IContactedBm,TheyAskedWhatCountryIWasFromAndINeverHeardBackAgain.GreatCustomerSupportiEverISawAny.DoesAnyoneKnowIfThereSaPlaceInNewYorkThatDoesTheWarrantyWorkForThem?ThanksInAdvance.Sorry ThisIsFromMyPhone
Remove ThePumpHead AndThenGoToTheManual ContrOl Then While Holding Down The ManuAl Feed For A Certain Pump AndTryTO Spin The Shaft At The SameTime You Might Have The Same Problem As Me It Will Spin Then Get Hung Up Again
Contact Sea Side Aquatics. They repaired my doser when a pump would not turn off. Actually they just replaced the whole unit. Here is their email address,