- Location
- Franklin Square, NY
I have changed my C02 tank many times over the years, but since I use a 15lber it will last well over a year. This time I just plain forgot to release the adjustment knob before opening the tank...the tank preasure blew the diafram in the regulator which means no guages and no C02 to the solenoid. I have a backup solenoid and valve, but not another regulator...I knew ordering one would take a few days to arrive so I needed to maintain alk/cal. So I tested the alk/cal and made this simple very cheap doser and to my surprise it worked well. A gallon milk container with some airline tubing and air valve...I mixed RO/DI water with 5 teaspoons of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of turbo cal and let it settle. I then started the suction and set it at 60 drips per minute( just took a guess to start) and then checked my alk/cal #s the next day...I thought in my system it wouldn't be enough to maintain, but it did and the alk actually went up alittle so I just lowered the drip rate and it along with my ATO with kalk held my alk/cal stable for the few days it took for my new regualtor to arrive....just make sure the tube inside isn't to long and suck in the powder which settled or it will clog up the line...
mods may want to move this to the DIY forum...

mods may want to move this to the DIY forum...
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