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I have a small (20") tank full of sand, some live rock, 2 fish and some frags. (lit by a DIY LED) Currently using a Hagen HOB powerfilter (the smallest one)...but it's failing, I think. Sometimes when i power it off to feed etc, it doesn't turn back on. I have to yank the out the suction tube and give the impeller a kick start with something small enough to get in between the fins. So I think it's time to replace it... I was thinking I wanted something bigger anyway so I can cram the chamber with carbon/gfo etc. I don't use the bio media...that's what the rock and sand are for.

Any recomendations? Anyone have experience with any particular brand? I was intrigued by the Foster and Smith one with the surface skimmer.

Drilling and sump is not an option, nor is spending serious $ on a cannister. Besides, I like the agitation and flow the HOB power filter provides.

c griseum

Experienced Reefer
Long Island
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AquaClear is tried and true. IMO they are the best.
Some people stand by the marineland bio-wheels tho.
Then theres also the Aqueon HOB filters with the plastic bio casing and spikes.
Aquaclear i believe has the biggest HOB capacity giving you the most room for your carbon and GFO bags.
My two pennies


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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Aqua clears are def the best filters and you can buy bulk media to refill yourself, bio wheels are ok too but you have to buy their cartridges. If it is a legit frag tank there should be no sand in it, it will just be a nitrate factory and crap will get stirred up when you move something. The sand could also be clogging your filter. Ditch the sand.
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Good stuff. I still haven't given my prop a good soak and clean, but will. I'm also considering a second one, or just replacing with the next size up. But yeah, everything I read is that AquaClear are the best of the HOB's. I've also looked at the Fluval C series, which seems to be the AquaClear with more space, but essentially the same motor.

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