Yes, the ambient temperature inside still rises when outside gets over 80F, which causes temp tank to rise. It'll just be on a lot less with LED vs MH/T5
I switched from MH/T5 to Radion LEDs about a week ago & I have noticed that my chiller still kicks on during the latter part of my light cycle, but it's not running nearly as much as it used to. You still will need a chiller regardless of your lights unless you plan on keeping your AC blasting 24/7. I once had a 75g tank crash because an AC unit could not keep up with the heat of a Washington DC summer. I'll never have a tank without a chiller again.
You can lower the temp of a tank a little by using a fan in your sump area.
This would do little with MH or T5, however, if you are using LEDs this may bring the tank back to a normal temperature range.
It all depends on the temperature of the room it is in.
I never had a chiller on my tanks and last summer it reached 85 with T5.
This summer I have LEDs and I am still at 79 so far.
I will see what happens in July and August.