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I am not happy with my current 150W 14K Ushio & 2 T5 Blue plus lighting setup. Noisy, hot, expensive & I don't like the color. I have decided to go LED. I am interested to know if anyone has done a side by side comparison with pictures or video of the Echotech Radions & the AI fixtures. I have a 39G (L)24" x (W)20" x (H)20" mixed reef tank & am open to any other input with regard to which LED fixture is best as well.


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Manhattan UWS
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So far everyone that has replied to this thread has recommended the AI fixture, but not told my why. I realize that the AI fixture is cheaper, but as all of us reefers know, cheaper is not always better. Does anyone have experience with both fixtures? I am sure that I would be happy with either fixture, but I'm looking for a comparison. Also, if I make the decision to go AI, should I not wait for the Vega to be released?


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If you want to make your own opinion come see my tank and you will see first hand. I have a 10ft tank lit by 4 Radions on one half and 4 AI's on the other. There is a considerable diference but I dont want to start an all out debate. However, without putting them side by side and giving them a month to really compare how are people giving educated answers ? Answer - they arent. I can give you an un bias opinion saying that the Radion hands down is a beter unit for the following reason. Light spread is much better, the whites give a much crisper brighter look(people coming from Mh will know exactly what I am talking about), shimmer lines much better, program is incredible, and last but def not least my corals look bettter. Do I feel they are worth the money they are but they are good....very good. And did I mention I ordered four more Radions.

Ask me how much better everything look with the superactinic VHO's on as well....:splitspin well that my friends is a whole other discussion.


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Manhattan UWS
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Thank you ClosetFishGeek. That is the first response that addresses my question. I appreciate the offer to come see your tank, but I live in Manhattan & don't have a car. Do you have pictures that show your tank with the different lights (I'll check your profile)? Have you noticed any increased algae blooms under one light or the other? There have been opinions posted that the red & green lights on the Radion could cause increased algae growth, but I like the idea of more color options.


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i have seen all three ai sols radions and acans in my opinoin ais hands down look ay my tank thread and see for yourself

Gary I am sure a lot of us have seen all of these LED's but have you put them side by side on the same tank ? I am not here to debate or put one or the other one down. I love both lights and have nothing bad to say about the AI's but there are noticable diferences which I mentioned between the two. Ultimately, It comes down to what are your specific needs and what your budget will allow.


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If you want to make your own opinion come see my tank and you will see first hand. I have a 10ft tank lit by 4 Radions on one half and 4 AI's on the other. There is a considerable diference but I dont want to start an all out debate. However, without putting them side by side and giving them a month to really compare how are people giving educated answers ? Answer - they arent. I can give you an un bias opinion saying that the Radion hands down is a beter unit for the following reason. Light spread is much better, the whites give a much crisper brighter look(people coming from Mh will know exactly what I am talking about), shimmer lines much better, program is incredible, and last but def not least my corals look bettter. Do I feel they are worth the money they are but they are good....very good. And did I mention I ordered four more Radions.

Ask me how much better everything look with the superactinic VHO's on as well....:splitspin well that my friends is a whole other discussion.

Closet , that sounds like a serious system bro ! Like the way you have done a side by side comparison. I am in the hunt to possibly upgrade to led down the line. Would love to see your tank. Pics or in person. I'm on the island.


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Thank you ClosetFishGeek. That is the first response that addresses my question. I appreciate the offer to come see your tank, but I live in Manhattan & don't have a car. Do you have pictures that show your tank with the different lights (I'll check your profile)? Have you noticed any increased algae blooms under one light or the other? There have been opinions posted that the red & green lights on the Radion could cause increased algae growth, but I like the idea of more color options.

No problem buddy. I do not have a pic. I will see if I can get wifey to take one. I did not get any algae bloom and I highly dought Algae blooms were caused solely on Red and Green led's.


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No problem buddy. I do not have a pic. I will see if I can get wifey to take one. I did not get any algae bloom and I highly dought Algae blooms were caused solely on Red and Green led's.

Thanks, I think your comparison setup & response has pushed me toward the Radion rather than the AI Sol. Now I need to decide if I have the will power to wait until the AI Vega comes out for yet another comparison or just pull the trigger & get the Radion. I think if I wait until the Vega comes out there will more than likely be a press release from other LED makers (including Echotech) about the next best thing...never ending cyle.


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Thanks, I think your comparison setup & response has pushed me toward the Radion rather than the AI Sol. Now I need to decide if I have the will power to wait until the AI Vega comes out for yet another comparison or just pull the trigger & get the Radion. I think if I wait until the Vega comes out there will more than likely be a press release from other LED makers (including Echotech) about the next best thing...never ending cyle.

Np but also do some more homework. There are also a company that makes an Led fixture with intergrated t5's. Check these out as well
I don't mean to make your head spin.....:splitspin I cannot comment on either one becouse I dont own them but they look interesting as well.:division:


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Manhattan UWS
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John is right I would pick you up...just take a train to the Hicksville branch......:splitspin

I appreciate the offer to check out your tank. I would love to come & check it out, but I don't know when I will have the time to get out there. I am married w/7 year old, boy/girl twins, so time spent running around town for my tank is always an issue. I just spent all of last Sunday at the swap. I checked out the Pacific Sun fixtures before posting this thread. The Pacific sun fixtures are nice but even more pricey than the Radions. My mixed reef tank is only (L)24" x (W)20" x (H)20" so I wouldn't need one of the REALLY nice big Pacific Sun fixtures. I really think at this point that I will probably go with the Radions. I have not heard a bad review of either fixture from a single person. Anyone that buys either fixture seems to believe that the one they purchased is the best. You (ClosetFishGeek) are the only person that has actually put them side by side on the same tank. That is exactly what I was asking. I think that I can't go wrong with either fixture but the Radion seems more flexible as far as tweaking the color to my satisfaction and there is the added bonus of connecting my MP10. Now I just need to decide who to buy it from. Since posting this thread I have received PMs from a couple of vendors that have them in stock. I will most likely purchase them from Russ at Saltwater Critters as he was the first PM I received & I have dealt with him in the past. He has always been very helpful.
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