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figured I would add something to this great forum. The coral I am offering is a "white" suncoral (tubastraea sp.). I'v had this coral for over a yr already.

1: You must be an ACTIVE member on MR in good standing.
2. You must offer a frag of something to Mr. DBTC before you get it.
3. If I lose my colony, you must offer me the next available frag.
4. You have to have a tank thread on MR. You have to have at least 1 Full tank shot in the thread, or the gallery.
5. I can change the rules of this offering at any time.
6. I get final say on who gets this coral.
7. You must not sell this coral/frag and must post it on MR DBTC in the future.
8. If anything happens to your tank I must get the frag back (ie. tank being taken down, starts to crash, ect.)
9. You MUST agree to pay my electric bill every summer. lol j/k...unless you want to.

Awilda has first rights

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O I'm not sure if its tubastrea or dendrophyllia, asked a guy by the name of Roger (sorry dont know his last name) who has extensive knowledge on suncorals and he stated.

"It seems that there is two types of colour morphing - Polymorphism and polyphenism.

Polymorphism – Colour variation that is genetically pre-set
Polyphenism – Colour variation that is not genetically pre-set, and is influenced by environmental cues.

If the white polyps are offspring of the original coral and have developed via budding. It is possible you are one extremely lucky chap and have a colour morph via polyphenism.

To be honest I’m starting to question whether the original coral was indeed a sun coral (Tubastraea sp). The septa formation of the excising calices is very similar to that of Tubastraea sp, but, at the same time they are also reminiscent of Dendrophyllia ramea (its an absolute nightmare to distinguish Tubastraea from some Dendrophyllia sp).

The hue of the orange coenosarc, the orange mouth, the white polyps and the septa formation are strikingly similar to that of Dendrophyllia ramea (iirc it also occasionally has yellow / orange polyps similar to D. cribrosa), but, the coral is exhibiting placoid growth as opposed to arboreal growth. I suppose it could be possible that IF its Dendrophyllia ramea, coral may be laying down a base before ‘branching out’ (this is an assumption not proven fact)… either way Tubastraea or Dendrophyllia, I love it and I’m deeply jealous."

The actual frag will be able 2-3 polyps, I'll try and post a pic later. Dont know where the darn camera is. I fraged this coral about a month ago.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
After me boys no problem!:splitspin
Of course Awilda will most definitely love adding it to my little family of suncorals!! Thank you so much...


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
That will be great Q! I'm looking forward to meeting you..

And when you find that true "RED" see if you can pick up 2.;) Cause once I get the white one from you, all I'll be missing is the red one.;)


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
Q, I am soooooooooooooo sorry, and embarrased! Should have responded sooner....:redface:

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I will post a pic soon....:hug:

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