i suggest two seaswirls 1 inchers on both sides, and a sequence dart on the close loop.
return would be comming out of the overflow and using penductors.
sound awsome, but I want to save some money for the new fish. I was thinking of doing a Fish/LR/ and softie tank. I may have to sell off the SPS in my tank
I use sand. I made the mistake in the begining of using Southdown and then putting a layer of live sand over the top. I had dusty storms in my tank for quite some time as my fish keep on digging into the sand and throwing up dusk, and this was even after I washed the Southdown before placing it into the tank. I had to use the extra large Phyton attachment and go over all the sand in the tank and pull out the fine dust. It took some time but the tank is now free of desk and I'm left with white sand.