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Is it possible to make a speed control for a power head such as a MJ -1200? Would I reduce the voltage or the frequency, or is it not that simple?

I am thinking about converting a couple of them to "stream" style propeller pumps, and I would like to cycle the speed up and down instead of turning them on and off since I think this should be way less wear on the pump.



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Not simple. The magnet of the impeller need to match the frequency, and if you hack around with the voltage, there will be some non-linear coupling that cause the magnet to go out of sync with the driving current.

But there is some room for you to play, just that if you get out of the parameters, the powerhead will shake like mad.


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You might do better with an SCR dimmer than a transformer/rheostat.



Advanced Reefer
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do not use a rheostat.
they dont change the hrz and that is what needs changing like said in the first reply

i dont think you would reduvce the volts ( or amps ) at all but that is somthing i dont know anyhting about. i just know. its all in the frequency. that is how the ac moters work since they dont use brushes like many dc moters use

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