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Hi Guys:

I recently bought a large rock of GSPs from the display tank of my LFS for $30 which I thought was a pretty good deal since they were charging $20 for a piece less than 1/2 the size!

Anyways, I've had it in my tank for about 4 days now and it hasn't opened up at all.

I have to do a water change tonight because I did water tests last night and found the alkalinity was "high" (according to the Red Sea test kit. The nitrates were also a bit high nearing the 20 ppm. Ammonia was 2 (I think this is because my anemone didn't eat the silverside).

Do you think the water change would solve my problem and that the GSPs will come out?

I have zoas, button polyps, an acan, and mushrooms- all dong fine.


Advanced Reefer
Yonkers, NY
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First of, your "others" are doing fine because they are already accustomed to the not so good environment of your tank.
Second, 1 PWC is probably just going to improve, not solve your problem. Don't go with drastic changes - you'll swart off the balance of the entire system. Do a 20-30 % PWC and take the water from the bottom of the tank. Try to pick-up/remove uneaten food.
The stars will probably adjust after a while if they will survive the initial exposure.


Experienced Reefer
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Thanks. The water conditions have always been pristine. It's turned "not so good" in the last few weeks of college/finals.

Now that I've graduated the tank will get all the attention it needs again!


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Try to have a 5 gal bucket with some salt water for an emergency you can run some tests on the water that the specimens came in to see what the salinity etc. are like.Good luck.
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Experienced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Not that I'm an expert, but my star polyps didn't open for over a week when I first got them. Then it was like I added Rogaine. It went from a pink bald scalp to a few polyps, then they just exploded. They've doubled in size in only a few months.


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34 gallon, 50 lbs LR. I'm thinking the Anemone is not eating the silversides when I feed them. I've found them on the bottom of the tank a few times....I noticed the cleaner shrimp tries to pull them out while it's eating.
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Advanced Reefer
Bellport, NY
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Cut the top off of a soda bottle big enough to fit over the anemone. Place it over the anemone while it is eating, this works if the nem is somewhere that the bottle can stay. Cleaner shrimps are a PITA when it comes to feeding nems and corals, bastards.


Experienced Reefer
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Good idea! They really are. Last night I stood at the tank for 20-30 minutes trying to push the cleaner away from the anemone while it was trying to eat.

PITA, but gotta lov'em!


Advanced Reefer
Huntington, NY
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The first time I got GSP it took a week for it to open for me too. I'd say give it some more time, if they are close to the mushrooms you might want to try to move them away. Once they open be prepared for them to take over same with the mushrooms.


north jersey
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Good idea! They really are. Last night I stood at the tank for 20-30 minutes trying to push the cleaner away from the anemone while it was trying to eat.

PITA, but gotta lov'em!

this is what i do....i put food in a breeding net (https://www.petsolutions.com/Fish-Net-Breeder+I15510934+C1013.aspx) to lure the cleaner in then flip it on its side against the glass or upside down (using a thong...http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3728+12755&pcatid=12755 ..no wet hand here) to trap it there while i feed. after a few times the cleaner just jump right in to the net and stay there eating the silverside without me having to turn the net to keep it there.
too bad i can't train the wife to stay away from the mall....lol


Advanced Reefer
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Getting back to GSP, what you are seeing is normal. Just about everyone has had this occur but eventually it opens. I had one that every once in a while closed up for no appearant reason. It is hard to figure them out. Some people have them grow like weeds and others can barely keep them alive.

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