I am very new. I have a green mushroom coral ( I believe it is an Actinodiscus type ) for a little over a week now. The coral has been looking great, nice bright green color and very full looking. Since Saturday the color is not as vibrant and not as full looking. In fact when the lights are on the coral is not really full, but not shrunken like when the lights are out. I can think of 2 things that have changed. One is I turned the rock around so that it tilted forward better, but it is in the same place in the tank. The other thing, which I suspect, is that I have been working on temperature control and brought the temperature down to 75-76 from 77 and up ( as high as 83' ). In fact on Saturday I went away and on Sunday night when I got home the temperature was 74', I then gotten it up to 75-76, which is where I want to keep it. I didn't intentionally drop it so quick, just a beginners over compensation.
Does that make sense? Should I not worry?
Here is my tank info:
Solana 34 gal. ( 5 weeks since setup )
150 watt MH pendant
RO/DI water
40 lbs. LR
30 lbs. LS
1 royal gramma ( seems healthy and happy, got him same time as coral )
3 nassarius snails
1 sally lightfoot ( who I think molted )
Water parameters:
SG = 1.0243
pH = 8.4
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite < .025
Nitrate < 5.0
Does that make sense? Should I not worry?
Here is my tank info:
Solana 34 gal. ( 5 weeks since setup )
150 watt MH pendant
RO/DI water
40 lbs. LR
30 lbs. LS
1 royal gramma ( seems healthy and happy, got him same time as coral )
3 nassarius snails
1 sally lightfoot ( who I think molted )
Water parameters:
SG = 1.0243
pH = 8.4
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite < .025
Nitrate < 5.0