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When coral has a lost its color will the color up again SPS LPS shrooms zoos.
I have some coral from my old tank conditions were not so great ie (lights ect)

They have a brown look to them some of them have color under antinic, will they color up again. othere things in the tank have great color I have some SPS with some great purple color that are in my new tank.

the new tank is thank is about 7month old I moved from the smaller tank. is it just a time thing... and they will come back??


No More Room :-(
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As Kathy stated it can take a long time for things to color up. Depending on the coral, some take longer than others, some will color up rather quickly, provided with the proper requirements being fullfilled, you should have no problem getting corals to color up.

Corals can survive without certain things but will not thrive, be vibrant and grow well. You just have to figure out with the corals you are keeping what the optimum conditions would be for them and try and achieve it.

Master Shake

captain of tying knots
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If things are in great shape tere is no reason why they should color up. Lighting is key. You can actually make things better than they would look in the ocean with the right amount of ighting. Also low nitrates (allmost untracable), low phosphates, good calcium and alkalinity is also a big help.

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