There are no guarantees that clownfish will host an anemone in your aquarium, regardless of the type of anemone. As for lighting you should be okay to keep an anemone. We have kept a long tentacle anemone, which grew very large, very fast... we fed weekly. Silversides, krill, and other larger meaty foods. It ate some of our fish as well.
Currently we have a bubble tip anemone, which is small and stays in the rockwork. Hasn't split which I am thankful for. Though there are many that own them and they split often (which some say isn't a good thing). We also have a carpet anemone that is fairly large and "walked" yesterday for the first time-- though it didn't touch anything. We have since repositioned him and he is staying put. (for now). Carpet anemones are the most toxic to humans and can cause a severe reaction so care in handling should always be taken. Though caution should be taken when handling anything. Gloves, etc.
Some people have no luck keeping anemones and others keep them with success. All in all you have to know that they are risky to keep with other corals because they will kill them if they touch and they do have the tendency to eat fish at times. We lost several fish to our LTA. They also can grow extremely large quickly.