I was just looking at my tank and I saw a polyp growing in a spot that I haven't seen before. At first I couldnt figure out what it was but it was a nice looking zoa or polyp and it was full sized. Just a day or two ago it wasn't there however. After looking around my tank I realized its a polyp of a zoa colony that I have growing in the opposite corner which has outgrown its rock and started on the sand ( asking to be fragged ). How did that happen? I'm pretty sure it wasn't there more than a couple of days because I have a frag of polyps I bought at the swap growing there so I check to see how they're growing and would have noticed this one there ( plus it is coming out of the sand bed from under a shell or attached to the underside of the shell). Has this happened to anyone before? I know some LPS can migrate from their skeleton but zoas?