I got a Acro frag when it got it from the store he just got them in just of the plane he was fraging the big head he got it the tips were purple and and the rest was pail yellow I put in about 2 weeks ago It never opened if anything it closed up tight the whole thing is light brown it still liiks alive is there a way to get acros to open up?? or it just shocked and needs some time It does not look dead! how long does it take for them to pop open I have it under 150mh with 50whts antic my tank is 40 gal
I also got a monti digiti it opened 10min after going into the tank and seems that it never closed it looks great, othere things in the tank doing great also????
I also got a monti digiti it opened 10min after going into the tank and seems that it never closed it looks great, othere things in the tank doing great also????