I picked up 2 anemones about 2 months ago, a Sebae and a Haitian pink tip. I bought them hoping my maroon clown would host the sebae. I have a 48" orbit PC 4x65 watt 2 actinic 2 50/50. The actinics had been burned out for about 2 weeks without my noticing, and both anemones lost their blue and pink tips for a while. now that the lights are fixed, both seem to have opened up and have colored tips. This morning i saw that my maroon clown was hosting the haitian anemone, which i thought was really unlikely and strange. Attached are pics of the anemones and the maroon in the haitian. Do they seem healthy? the pink tip eats regularly and the sebae appears to pick small pieces of uneaten food, but none that i directly feed.
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