I have a 13 gallon nano under a 70watt halide (14k). moon sand ( very fine). 10+ lbs of LR. Few corals in the tank. Use to use it for pipe fish but was not managing it...Lately, I gathered some free time to clean it up, and stabilize the water parameters.
Planing to have a frag tank....Will I be able to maintain sps under this wattage? The sps that would like to keep is a few millis, birds nests, and nanas, and may be some tri-color tuneis...
I will dose kalk. 2 tea spoons weekly.
Planing to have a frag tank....Will I be able to maintain sps under this wattage? The sps that would like to keep is a few millis, birds nests, and nanas, and may be some tri-color tuneis...
I will dose kalk. 2 tea spoons weekly.