I have a colony of eithe Clover polyps or xenia (dont know the exact ID) and they are growing way out of control. I need to prune them down or frag them into another tank before they wipe out 2 colonies of mushrooms I have. I dont want to get rid of them. I just would like to know how to control these corals (best techniques) and if it means fragging them, does anyone want the frags? If so PM me. I just need advice and an ID please... maybe i'll post in the freebee thread after...
p.s. the corals i am talking about are the purple xenia lookin ones on the left... they are much larger now (about 3x that size) and those mushrooms are almost non existant.
p.s. the corals i am talking about are the purple xenia lookin ones on the left... they are much larger now (about 3x that size) and those mushrooms are almost non existant.