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Goniopora isn't VD!
hells kitchen
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I have kept my alk levels at a fairly steady 11dkh for quite some time.
I have been told over and over that it was too high and I should lower
it just a little.
Over the past 3 weeks I have allowed the level to slowly fall and, become a fairly constant 10 dkh.
Now the problems start......
My one and only acro started to bleach and has become worse over the past couple of days.
Now I notice my prize monties are starting to bleach- both caps and digi's.
The polyps still extend but yellows, oranges, and purples are turning white!
Are they doomed, should I raise my alk level back up, should I leave it
alone and wait for the corals to re-adjust?
I'm at a loss and that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid.....
All my other param's have remained steady (i test every day).
Cal-450, nitrates- .2, Phosphates-.02(hanna), mag-1320, PH-8.3
with 10 gal H2O changes every week...blah, blah, blah....
I haven't changed my routine at all.
My temp actually hit 81 for the first time but no higher and,
has since fallen back to it's normal 77-79.


Advanced Reefer
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I'm surprised that the slight decrease in Alk value would cause any SPS to bleach, going from 11 to 10dkh. That happens in my reef all the time with no adverse affects. I actually keep my Alk at 12dkh and Ca at 450. For your Ca value you should be in the 12dkh range also, so 11 was just fine.

Are you sure there isn't something else wrong? Just my 2c.


Goniopora isn't VD!
hells kitchen
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You check for stray voltages? i know it seems bizaar and off topic.

Or a slip in the UV on the glass on your light?
No problem there...I use GFCI + my hands are in the tank enough to know
it's clear (i know ...my bad).
My bulbs are SE and, upon inspection appear intact.
have u change out carbon a few weeks ago?
I change out my GAC on the 15th of every month.
A few days ago I did put a poly pad- above and below- the Rowphos I keep in an Aquaclear HOB
attached to my sump/fuge. I did this because
the instructions say (when using it the way I do), to encase it with floss to help keep it contained in its mesh bag.
It turns out doing this is a nitrate factory I didn't want to change out every two days,
so I just replaced it with the PF hoping to cut back on some maintenance.


chicks dig beckett men
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My alk dropped too and I am having some issues. Mine dropped far more than 1 dKh, but I feel any f*** up in stability will give you a hard time when dealing with SPS.
SPS are hard. They deserve far more credit than most hobbyists are willing to give... myself included.


Goniopora isn't VD!
hells kitchen
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I think I'm going to take out the PP and slowly bring my alk back up to what everything was used to.
What are your thoughts about not putting the floss back around the mesh bag of rowaphos ?
I've always kept the mesh bag with the gac, right above the floss encased rowa bag (with no problems).
Think this might suffice in containing the rowa without the floss and, help me keep down nitrates ?


Goniopora isn't VD!
hells kitchen
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No reactors for me thanks......it's not about the money either- I just don't have the space,or inclination.
I also like my hands on minimal equipment setup.
It's not like I'm having problems keeping my parmas stable -
alterations in levels were made on purpose -live and learn.
Lesson learned:When all is going well- forget what anybody else says....
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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