I believe this coral to be a Goniopora Burgosi.
I picked it up at Greenwich Aquaria last week. When I got it the polyps were retracted close to the body, after a week they are out and looking for food.
There was also a small dead spot in the middle of the coral, this has healed and grown over. there are not polyps in that spot yet, but there is coral tissue. I have been feeding the tank less than in the past, but they have had the chance to grab mysis bits, rotifers, oyster eggs, and some of the ultramin food products made for filter feeders. The encrusting gonioporas are supposed to be hardier than the skeleton making counterparts. I'm hoping this one does well, the color is amazing. I will update this as things change.
I picked it up at Greenwich Aquaria last week. When I got it the polyps were retracted close to the body, after a week they are out and looking for food.
There was also a small dead spot in the middle of the coral, this has healed and grown over. there are not polyps in that spot yet, but there is coral tissue. I have been feeding the tank less than in the past, but they have had the chance to grab mysis bits, rotifers, oyster eggs, and some of the ultramin food products made for filter feeders. The encrusting gonioporas are supposed to be hardier than the skeleton making counterparts. I'm hoping this one does well, the color is amazing. I will update this as things change.
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