So the title just about says it. Help me color up my sps corals. I've had some success and some failure. Overall I'm not too happy with the coloration of my corals. I fear I have an overabundance of zooxanthaellae.
Here is the progression of some of my corals:
Frag from a year ago:
Frag 6 months later
Frag now:
I know my photography isn't great at all, but overtime I've seen this piece lighten up to a more neon green and am happy with it.
Here's another one:
1 year ago
Those 2 frags have not grown extremely well but have colored up nicely. Now here's one that I'm working on and its color has only gotten more golden brown over time.
4 months ago:
It has grown a little bit but the color isn't great.
Here's a picture of my entire tank so you can see where everything is placed:
I had some issues with Phosphates in the past which were as high as 2 when I first started. I now am running a phosban reactor which has taken those down to .03 according to salifert.
Here's my tank equipment (from my tank thread):
Tank parameters:
PH 8.3
Calcium 450
Alk 11
Magnesium 1140 (lower than I'd like)
Salinity 1.025
Phosphates 0.03
Nitrates .5
120g tank with dual overflows
55g sump
DAS EX-2 skimmer
2 400W 14K Hamilton bulbs on a pfo ballast
2 T5 tek actinic lights
2 Tunze 6100 on a multicontroller
1" Sea swirl as main return from sump
Korallin Calcium reactor on a PH controller with ARM media
Phosban reactor with phosban media
1/3 hp aqualogic chiller
I feed 1 cube of a random mix of food I threw together (formula 1, nori, oyster eggs, etc....), 1 cube of e pacifia plankton, and 1 small cube of cyclopese. I feed this every other day. Also I squirt 30 ml's of DT's phytoplankton. I dose ESV potassium Iodide, ESV Magnesium Cloride, and ESV Stronium as needed. My topoff water is a weak solution of Kalkwasser to keep the PH up.
Please HELP me get the colors great on these corals. I'm also looking at what time horizon you would expect improvements. For example I thought Phosphates were the problem but my phosphates have been at .03 for the past month or so. Should my corals have recovered by now?
Here is the progression of some of my corals:
Frag from a year ago:

Frag 6 months later
Frag now:
I know my photography isn't great at all, but overtime I've seen this piece lighten up to a more neon green and am happy with it.
Here's another one:
1 year ago

Those 2 frags have not grown extremely well but have colored up nicely. Now here's one that I'm working on and its color has only gotten more golden brown over time.
4 months ago:
It has grown a little bit but the color isn't great.
Here's a picture of my entire tank so you can see where everything is placed:
I had some issues with Phosphates in the past which were as high as 2 when I first started. I now am running a phosban reactor which has taken those down to .03 according to salifert.
Here's my tank equipment (from my tank thread):
Tank parameters:
PH 8.3
Calcium 450
Alk 11
Magnesium 1140 (lower than I'd like)
Salinity 1.025
Phosphates 0.03
Nitrates .5
120g tank with dual overflows
55g sump
DAS EX-2 skimmer
2 400W 14K Hamilton bulbs on a pfo ballast
2 T5 tek actinic lights
2 Tunze 6100 on a multicontroller
1" Sea swirl as main return from sump
Korallin Calcium reactor on a PH controller with ARM media
Phosban reactor with phosban media
1/3 hp aqualogic chiller
I feed 1 cube of a random mix of food I threw together (formula 1, nori, oyster eggs, etc....), 1 cube of e pacifia plankton, and 1 small cube of cyclopese. I feed this every other day. Also I squirt 30 ml's of DT's phytoplankton. I dose ESV potassium Iodide, ESV Magnesium Cloride, and ESV Stronium as needed. My topoff water is a weak solution of Kalkwasser to keep the PH up.
Please HELP me get the colors great on these corals. I'm also looking at what time horizon you would expect improvements. For example I thought Phosphates were the problem but my phosphates have been at .03 for the past month or so. Should my corals have recovered by now?