i just wanted to show a couple ways of doing it. i like the toothpick method as well,but i couldnt find them the rubberband will keep damage it a little, but it recovers a few weeks after u remove the rubberband. its a little better for me because the plugs i use have a bowl shape on top and there is little pressure on the coral itself. the rubberband only puts a little pressure on the coral this way. i would makie slide3 shows if i knew how
the mother colony should be fine in a day or 2. heres a pic of it now.
u can see the little bumps around the edge where new polyps are forming already. i like to use this method becaue it takes alot longer to heal if u cut the whole head off or cut wedges.
attatching depends on a few factors. if u do a clean job on a healthy specimen and place the frags close to where the mother colony was ive seen them attatch as quick as 3 days. if they are stressed during fragging and u change the lighting and fow they are in ive seen them take as ong as 2 weeks to attatch. they should look like little toadstools within a few weeks. heres a pic of one the little ones. excuse the algae. my cameras date was off. this is less than a week after fragging.
im sure it would work for shrooms, but they are a pain to work with so i just slice them any way i can.
Your pictures have inspired me to frag my neon green toadstool! Just curious, what material did you use for your plugs? I plan on using small pieces of live rock or shells.
glad to hear the pics helped. i make my own frag plugs. the standard cement method takes way too much time to properly cure so i make it with glaze coat pour on epoxy and sand. it still comes out cheaper than buying them online. i get about 600-1000 plugs from every box of epoxy and 1/4 bag of sand. ill try to take pics when o make more next week.