Would appreciate any guidance on this issue. Picture attached.
Bought the anemone about a month ago. Was doing great and this morning I woke up it looked the picture.
Feeding Mysis shrimp.
Tank. 24 gallon Nano. 0 Am./Ni/Nitrate. Calcium 480. Alk. 12.5Dkh
Existing clown was aggressively living in the anemone. Anenomone has not moved since placed (attached well).
Should I leave it alone, take it out? Try silverfish.
Just performed a 15% waterchange.
Bought the anemone about a month ago. Was doing great and this morning I woke up it looked the picture.
Feeding Mysis shrimp.
Tank. 24 gallon Nano. 0 Am./Ni/Nitrate. Calcium 480. Alk. 12.5Dkh
Existing clown was aggressively living in the anemone. Anenomone has not moved since placed (attached well).
Should I leave it alone, take it out? Try silverfish.
Just performed a 15% waterchange.
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