What you might have missed... discounted prices with links!
Rainbow Wellso... $175
Rainbow Wellso #2 :: Symphyllia & Wellsophyllia :: Large polyp stonys :: Cherry Corals
1.5" HOT Pink/Orange yuma... $87.50
Hot Orange/Pink Yuma! :: Yuma's :: Paly's, Zoa's & Ricordia :: Cherry Corals
Raspberry Watermelon Challice... $350
Raspberry Watermelon Challice! :: Colonies and frag packs :: Cherry Corals
Walking Dendros... $89.99 Best price on the web???
Walking Dendro :: Fresh Cherries :: Cherry Corals
Bullseye Fungia... $70
Bulls Eye Fungia! :: Fungia & Cycloseris :: Large polyp stonys :: Cherry Corals
The Cynarina Twins... $70
The Cynarina Twins! :: Colonies and frag packs :: Cherry Corals
Crazy Prism Favia... $56.00
Crazy Prism Favia! :: Favia / Prism Favia / Maze brain :: Large polyp stonys :: Cherry Corals
YROS... $42 per polyp
It has gotten so much nicer since this pic!
Yellow Rings of Saturn! :: Fresh Cherries :: Cherry Corals
Lemon Lime N' Purple Blasto
Lemon Lime n' Purple Blasto! :: Blastomussa :: Large polyp stonys :: Cherry Corals
Rainbow Wellso... $175

Rainbow Wellso #2 :: Symphyllia & Wellsophyllia :: Large polyp stonys :: Cherry Corals
1.5" HOT Pink/Orange yuma... $87.50

Hot Orange/Pink Yuma! :: Yuma's :: Paly's, Zoa's & Ricordia :: Cherry Corals
Raspberry Watermelon Challice... $350

Raspberry Watermelon Challice! :: Colonies and frag packs :: Cherry Corals
Walking Dendros... $89.99 Best price on the web???

Walking Dendro :: Fresh Cherries :: Cherry Corals
Bullseye Fungia... $70

Bulls Eye Fungia! :: Fungia & Cycloseris :: Large polyp stonys :: Cherry Corals
The Cynarina Twins... $70

The Cynarina Twins! :: Colonies and frag packs :: Cherry Corals
Crazy Prism Favia... $56.00

Crazy Prism Favia! :: Favia / Prism Favia / Maze brain :: Large polyp stonys :: Cherry Corals
YROS... $42 per polyp

It has gotten so much nicer since this pic!
Yellow Rings of Saturn! :: Fresh Cherries :: Cherry Corals
Lemon Lime N' Purple Blasto

Lemon Lime n' Purple Blasto! :: Blastomussa :: Large polyp stonys :: Cherry Corals