Now that Brett and I have gotten some vacation time out of the way we are back at it with some really great stuff!!!
Japanese Rose Anemone
Japanese Rose Anemone*::*Stoneys Freaky Frags*::*Cherry Corals
Giant Dendro Polyps all pre cut and WYSIWYG
WYSIWYG Dendro #4*::*Dendros, Rhyzos & Duncans*::*Large polyp stonys*::*Cherry Corals
Only one but a gorgeous Blasto!! WYSIWYG
WYSIWYG Blastomussa Wellsi*::*Blastomussa*::*Large polyp stonys*::*Cherry Corals
Nice Challice frags all pre cut and healed for over a month!
Echinopyllia/Challice coral*::*Large polyp stonys*::*Cherry Corals
A cute baby pink Rhyzo harvested from the side of and adult!
Baby Rhyzo*::*Stoneys Freaky Frags*::*Cherry Corals
A nice collection of WYSIWYG zoa's
Zoanthids*::*Paly's, Zoa's & Ricordia*::*Cherry Corals
Japanese Rose Anemone
Japanese Rose Anemone*::*Stoneys Freaky Frags*::*Cherry Corals

Giant Dendro Polyps all pre cut and WYSIWYG
WYSIWYG Dendro #4*::*Dendros, Rhyzos & Duncans*::*Large polyp stonys*::*Cherry Corals

Only one but a gorgeous Blasto!! WYSIWYG
WYSIWYG Blastomussa Wellsi*::*Blastomussa*::*Large polyp stonys*::*Cherry Corals

Nice Challice frags all pre cut and healed for over a month!
Echinopyllia/Challice coral*::*Large polyp stonys*::*Cherry Corals

A cute baby pink Rhyzo harvested from the side of and adult!
Baby Rhyzo*::*Stoneys Freaky Frags*::*Cherry Corals

A nice collection of WYSIWYG zoa's
Zoanthids*::*Paly's, Zoa's & Ricordia*::*Cherry Corals