Thanks for the clarification Boomer. No, its not ideal to have to factor in such a high correction, but for the sake of getting a clear digital ppm reading as opposed to eyeballing a color shift (which by the way, only gets you .5 dkh at a time), I would still rather use the Hanna.
I'm trying to set my dosing pump to as exact measurements as possible. With a titration test kit, color changes within .5 dkh could have a devastating effect when your off by .3 or .4 within the shift. Compound that over time when your running a dosing pump and you could end up with your Alkalinity being off my 2-3 dkh over the course of 1 week or 2 if you don't test. This is what I'm trying to avoid so I like the digital reading of the Hanna. So far after 3 days of testing, My readings have been 169, 167, 166, so my dosing pump settings are doing the proper amounts to keep things very stable.
Thanks again Boomer!