i may have an idea what it is but can you describe it a little because the pictures not too helpful no offense. like length? colors? r there spines?...
someone can correct me if im wrong but i think it may be a coral-eating fireworm or Hermodice carunculata
I don't think its a fireworm because of the 2 thinggies up top on it's head. Because of this I'm going with some sort of nudibranch, but that picture is gonna make it hard to determine anything more than that.
IMO I would pull him out,make a positive id ... then put him back if he isn't a pest.
Thanks, I'll try and pull him out next time i spot him and get a better pic.
It has lots of spines down the back and two larger ones at the front. It varies in length as it moves across things but when full extended about an inch.
It is likely a nudibranch that eats star polyp. I would not put it back in. It may multiply to proportions that you cannot control. This is assuming that you want to keep your star polyps. Someone may like to buy this from you to get rid of some star polyps.
I think he's a Tritonia festiva
Family: Tritoniidae
I've read they lose their amazing colours when introduced to a tank.
He'll be coming out next chance I get. Seen him stalking the Star and my Xenia then really quick tries to bite off the polyp before they retract.
Not sure if he's had a go at my mushroom as well.....