gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Advanced Reefer
Ive had my little 12g set up for two week now and things are looking good. Perameters are all within acceptable limits Nitrates are sittin arounf 20 ppm so ill wait till they come down before any real purchases. Sorry i dont have a pick. They are to small any way Do you know if aptasia are translucent when less than a 1/2" across? If they commonly are Id like to nop this in the bud ASAP.

Thanks, Duane


One very defining attribute of Aiptasia is speed. Feed one a small bit of meaty seafood and see if it grabs it & quickly retracts. If it slowly curls around the food or ignores the food then it's not Aiptasia.


Mihai":325fwmcx said:
Guy, that's one UGLY dog. I hope is not yours...
If it's not yours, then... why?


That crab is no beauty queen either.


Mihai":v7eiibhv said:
LOL, I'll see what I can do about it :).

J/K! :lol:

Sam was voted the world's ugliest dog three years in a row. Sam died in November, just a small tribute to a dog that made everyone in the world feel a bit more attractive.


Advanced Reefer
Guy, just thought id chime in about the dog. Ya, he gets my vote for ugliest in the world to. I always wondered why you had him as a pic. Thought maybe he was yours. :D

Ill pic up some seafood today and test the little buggers to see if they are aptasia. My first guess is "yes" the largest one seems to have some brown developing on its tentacles in the last couple days..

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