I added some new hermits and snails a few days ago and I just noticed these small creatures clinging to the glass. They are no bigger than a flea and are free swimming. What are they? Could they be harmful in any way? Here is an artists depiction:
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That, my friend, is a nice little drawing of a copepod. They graze algae and the like off the glass, and are completely harmless. In fact, they make great food for substrate picking fish.
Yes you could, but in captive situations like this your fish might exhaust the food source, so you'd have to keep an eye out and feed it after a while.
Yes, I didn't mean to just leave the goby to eat what's in the tank. I would care for it. I mean that, at the rate these things seem to be multiplying, it might soon be nice to have a predator to trim down the swarm.
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