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Experienced Reefer
It must be some sort of Algea, but what?

Its very dark, brown to black evening out to yellow, burnt yellow. Its mostly on my sand bed.

I have aragonite sand and the tank (120 g) is roughly 4 months old...I do get alot of green film on my glass as well.

what can I do about it/or should I do anything?


sorry no camera handy...


If this is like fine dust and not sheets it would be a diatom bloom, common in less then year old tanks. What type of clean up crew do you have ?
Usually just a mixing of several snail species will make quick work of it.
Now if it's not a dusting and in sheets that's another story.

David Mohr


Experienced Reefer
here are some shots of it...hope this works-


  • dscn0580.jpg
    56.9 KB · Views: 828
  • dscn0577.jpg
    56.8 KB · Views: 830


I can't tell from those pics. Is it a dusting or in sheets. Also does it have any bubbles in it ?
What type of clean up crew do you have?

David Mohr


Experienced Reefer
ps the clean up crew, give or take 10 snails or so....

ive got maybe 10 red legged hermits, 10 blues, 10 turbo grazers, 10 astrea, a sally lightfoot, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 blood shrimp and an urchinps


Advanced Reefer
This, BTW, is perfectly normal in most newly established tanks. It will run its course, just keep up with a) water changes with great quality water b) don't overfeed c) reduce lighting slightly or drop the lower kelvin lighting for a while d) make sure you are skimming for all you are worth.

Basically, the system is still striving for a balance and that is one organism developing a little more than another. It will balance out if you keep up with it.



Well that is Cyano. I recently just went through it myself. I was doing water changes and redirecting my powerheads and all of that crap but the only thing thta worked for me was a chemical called CHEMI-CLEAN. It is totally reef safe. Others will tell you it is and it isnt but trust me I am having no problems with mine and it took it out overnight. If you need more onfo on the product then pm me and ill see what else there is of importance to you. My corals are fine, my DSB is fine, inverts are fine etc....cyano is totally gone.


Advanced Reefer
I always advise people not to use chemicals in their tanks... the repercussions are still unknown/uninvestigated. Again, its a perfectly normal part of the tank's cycle and will go away with proper filtration and maintenance. BTW, chemi clean is an antibiotic that nails your diversity of bacteria/algae.



Well, yes it is mainly something that spreads quickly throughout new tanks. I put it in there a while ago as I have said and my tank is thriving. I am also no tbig on puttign chemicals in my tank. I dont even use additives and have no need to thus far.
I took the advice of a friend whi has had their 200 gal up for abou t6 years and he has had to use it a few times in the beginning and everythign in his tank is absolutely perfect. So opinions vary as always in this hobby.
As far as the filtratiojn and maintenance goes it will not go away by itself for a while. Longer than you want to wait for it to go away I guarantee that. I do a 20% water change every month religiously and siphone it out etc.....still there. Used the chemi clean and it was gone over night practically. Not trying t0o persuade anyone, only informing.

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