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Experienced Reefer
Ft Worth, Tx
A DFWMAS club member traded me his beautiful sun coral for a chunk of my Hammer. Some might not think that is an equal trade, but as far as I can tell we are both very very happy with our exchange.

The Hammer was quite large in my tank, with a thick trunk that I never saw for the past few months. I pulled it out this morning to break off his branch and found that each side was 4 heads still connected and very thick. Even the main core was covered with tissue, but I had to get his piece. I pulled out the coral and let it drip some fluid off into the tank, but I could tell that the heads of each polyp were very heavy and I was afraid tissue damage would ensue if I let gravity tug any longer.

I dashed to the kitchen, trying to fruitlessly catch the water draining from the coral, to a spot that I had prepared. The bag was ready, a hammer and very sharp chisel nearby. As I looked at the coral and the trunk, the typical option was to hit it at the base, splitting it right through the middle. But what would happen to the polyp heads enduring such massive force flat on the counter during that sudden impact?! Instead, I laid it on its side, put the point of the chisel in the center of the trunk where the blade ran parallel with the cut I hoped to create, and hit it hard. CRUNCH! Not a good sound, as that meant the heads were beginning to splinter on the areas that are most fragile, within the polyp tissue. One more try, hitting hard and without reticence, and it split perfectly down the center as planned. Quickly I put my half back in the tank. The way it was split, the trunk was shaped like a spike and fit perfectly into the spot were it was before. Matt's piece was put in a large LFS bag with a ton of water, and very carefully lowered into my cooler to avoid hitting the skeleton hard against anything solid again.

We met in Grapevine, where our exchange took place, and discussed the needs of each piece and left.

I did stop at Petorama, and ran into four more DFWMAS members. :D Picked up some Joe's Juice, btw.

Got home, and acclimated my new beauty in the sump. Here it is at 6:41pm today, located in the side area of my 55g, out of the direct lighting (350w MH, 108w T5):


About 1.5 hours later, I fed the tank live baby brine shrimp, and the sun coral was ready to eat too:


Once it was open and ready, I gently used a small turkey baster to drizzle thawed mysis mixed in tank water over the coral. I took a cube of mysis from the freezer, and with a knife cut thin shavings to speed up the thawing process. It seemed to enjoy the mysis, opening some of the mouths quite wide while other polyp heads were closed tight as if to keep the food from escaping! Here's the coral from another POV at 9:14pm


And I just checked on it for fun, with a flashlight and it was FULLY open! I had to use a flash so this looks a little washed out, but it looks great. 11:12pm


Now I just have to keep up this process and I can enjoy my new bright friend. :D


Experienced Reefer
Ft Worth, Tx
What are you talking about??! You are living by the GBR, you can dive down and see hundreds of them any day of the week. ;)


nice pics on your site


i'd recommend feeding a smaller size particle of food than the mysis you're feeding in the pics

usually, w/anemones and corals, a very large (in relation to polyp) size, or larger sizes, of food often don't get digested fully, resulting in a fairly large fecal/mucus pellet getting ejected w/in 24-48 hrs later

i'd suggest you try the 'inverted coke bottle feeder'
and also feed w/cyclopeeze and baby brine (<72 hr old nauplii)

the mysis are fine, i'd just go w/a finer size, and slightly smaller amounts

while each individual polyp needs food regularly, it's not necessary to play italian/jewish mother to them when feeding, as far as portion sizes go :wink:

hth :)


you can also use finely grated chopped clam, and other seafoods, too, btw :)


Experienced Reefer
Ft Worth, Tx
I simply don't have the option of making a dome to surround the coral. There is no room to lower it in there whatsoever. If I upgrade to a larger tank, that would be a great option.

I already feed baby brine naptauli every 48 hours to the tank. Think they'll just swim right into the coral's mouths? ;)

I do have my own pureed foods to use as well, but I've been sticking to the mysis because that was what I noticed was the most recommended. But I'll be happy to try other foods. I did try cyclop-eeze once, but didn't do it again.

I'll vary its diet more. Thanks for the suggestions.

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