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Haven't had any luck at the other forum I posted this at, and found this one so I'm giving it a shot. I'm completely new to saltwater, and am having problems identifying all the things on my liverock.

These first ones are about 3/4 inch across, and sit on a 1/2 inch tall base that is maybe the diameter of a pencil. They pretty much close up at night, but not completely.


This one is about 1/2 inch across, and also on about a 1/2 inch tall base. It closes up very tightly at night. The pointed tentacle things look to be stiff, they move very little with the current in the tank.



The first two llok like majano anemones to me.
The second looks like some type of zoanthid polyp.



Welcome to Reefs.org FlashPoint!

I agree with Wade except on the extremely minor difference of spelling for the second pic.. - Palythoa..

I now have several "colonies" of these in my tank having started with the same single polyp as you have.. - Mine are voracious feeders and prefer subdued lighting with a wide range of tolerances for current. They can be easily separated from the "colony" simply by peeling polyps away and relocating them. - They can be reattached to other substrates by holding them in place with rubber band and given time & sand to incorporate and bind with. By the same token they also seem to prefer sandy areas where they can incorporate sand/tiny bits of rubble into their body structures.

I find I now have to locate them out of the sand and feed sparingly because they multiply so quickly.

Oh.. - And handle with caution! Do not allow children or other pets (cats/dogs) to come in contact with them. They're potentially toxic. - There is a report of someone losing a dog which had ingested them.

Nice looking rock.. - Mind if I ask where you got it / how long you've had it?
Thanks...actually all of my LR looks like that, and I've had the tank set up and cycling for about 1 month now. My wife says all I'm doing is keeping some rocks wet. It came from my LFS. I'll get some pictures posted soon...thanks for the welcome!


Good deal.. - Wish I could find rock that nice from my LFS.. - Then again, I'd be happy if my LFS was actually "L" and open more than 1 day a week!

Good idea to get on those majanos before they get out of hand.. - Some folks are reporting fairly good luck using Joes Juice if you haven't already heard of that -- www.joesjuice.com. Some are also reporting a possible sensitivity to it from crabs/shrimp too so if you have either of those in your tank already you might want to try one of the more "traditional" methods...

I use a needle/vinegar on the little aiptasias that pop up on me. - I need to get a couple peppermints for better control I guess.
Here are a few of the hitch-hikers from my LR...I'm slowly learning how to use this digital camera. Added my first fish yesterday (canary wrasse) but haven't been able to get a good picture of it...YET!!! :D

This algae started on my glass about 3 weeks into the cycle.

This is one of about 3 aiptasia that have since been eradicated:

These majano were eradicated as well:

This is a red mushroom on one of the pieces of my LR:

This is the same mushroom as pictured above, with a smaller one and a colony of green star polyps:


I assume you hand-picked this rock then? - Was the shoomy-star rock priced above normal "rock" price?

Whats the name of the place? - Jeez, for as good looking as this stuff is, give 'em a plug!

What'd you use to eradicate the aiptasia and majanoes? Good luck doing the same w/ that algae!
Pretty much hand picked it piece by piece....it all ranged in price from 6.99 to 8.99 per pound.

It comes from about 3 LFS's...but the majority of it is from a place called Waters of the World in Newburgh, IN

On the majano I injected lemon juice, and the all but one of the aiptaisa (of which there were 4) were taken care of by my two peppermint shrimp....the other got the lemon juice treatment as well.

Algae is pretty much gone from the glass, still have some brown diatoms there, but it's coming along.

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