I got this leather coral and the lfs only could ID it as a leather. I'm having trouble telling if it belongs to the genus Lobophytum or Sarcophyton. What do you think?
I have one of those too, two actually ( it split shortly after bringing it home ). I have had it about 2 weeks and haven't seen any of the polyps like that.. only small brown "holes" or "dots" and the occasional "small spike coming from them. It came from a tank with MH to my PC tank, so I am hoping to see them someday
there are a few coral's commonly sold as 'devils hand' (popular names don't mean much :wink: )
i'm 99% sure the one pictured above is a sarcophyton, not a lobophytum-the lobo's have more, and thinner/longer finger's, as a general rule-but both groups have representatives in the trade under that common name- some sinularia's are also called 'devil's hand'