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Experienced Reefer
This hitched in on some live rock, I guess it is some kind of shroom, just wanted to know what kind.


  • shroom.jpg
    26 KB · Views: 544


Experienced Reefer
Better photo, please.

Try to get close and in focus, even if you have to move the rock towards the front of the tank.


Advanced Reefer
Almost looks like a Bubble-tip anemone but I'd guess it's probably some kind of Rhodactis.

I have some of these in my tank and they're almost impossible to get rid of ,,, they grow/split like crazy under MH. They've stung some of my SPS' pretty badly on occasion.

They are currently hosting a pair of black and white Oscellaris who seem quite happy with them.

They get pretty big,, here are some of mine,,, the carpet anemone in the background is about 12" in diameter.


  • mush.jpg
    114.1 KB · Views: 502


Experienced Reefer
I did slice it in half about two weeks ago and it split into two. You can kind of see both of the mouths of the animal. If in were an anemone would they split into two like mushroom do?


Advanced Reefer
I'm not sure,,, Ive read about folk slicing up BTA's successfully but I wouldn't want to try that with a carpet or Ritteri etc.

I hacked away at my mushrooms with a razor blade but I stopped after they spewed all kinds of crap into the water,, a week later I had twice as many.

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