D das75 Advanced Reefer Feb 14, 2004 #1 As I had posted in General Reefkeeping Discussion, this stuff clings tight to the rocks. Snails crawl over it but wouldn't eat it. It's really starting to spread. Any ideas on how to control? Attachments 040213_alg1.jpg 38 KB · Views: 471 040213_alg2.jpg 42.1 KB · Views: 470
As I had posted in General Reefkeeping Discussion, this stuff clings tight to the rocks. Snails crawl over it but wouldn't eat it. It's really starting to spread. Any ideas on how to control?
B bethg79 New Reefer Feb 14, 2004 #2 I don't have an answer for you, but ewwwwwwww Nice pictures though!
J John_Brandt Experienced Reefer Feb 14, 2004 #3 This is the brown algae, Lobophora. I am not certain, but I would expect urchins to eat it.
D das75 Advanced Reefer Feb 15, 2004 #4 Thanks for the ID, now finding an urchin that wouldn't eat coralline.