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Experienced Reefer
I went out to check on my refugium, and was shocked to see such weird things. I have been away for a bit, and while I was gone a bunch of wier critters have taken over my sump/refuge....

Can anyone identify these two pictures for me, and I have also seen many small, oval, flat critters that I think are snails but I can't get a good picture of one. They resemble the pictures I have seen of "moon" snails, and have a pink/purple/green irridescence (sp?) to them. Quite good looking, but I have no "moon" snails so I am worried that they might be something else...

Anyway, here are two pictures of the other critters I need an ID on...



  • wormies.jpg
    68.1 KB · Views: 588
  • weird.jpg
    51.4 KB · Views: 589


Experienced Reefer
Bottom pic-tube worms.

Top pic, I believe some sort of sponge.

Both are part of a normal, healthy functional system.


Ditto. The top pic is of a sponge in the genus Leucilla. The bottom looks like a bunch of Sabellid tubeworms. Both are listed in the Hitchhiker's FAQ.


Advanced Reefer
Speaking of Leucilla, thy are taking over my tank. My urchin has them on his spines and spreads them aound the tank. They grow anywhere! I have several under my pump. :D


They don't hurt anything, so I wouldn't worry too much. They really like high flow, low light areas, so you'll probably find them in your skimmer, overflow, under powerheads...


Experienced Reefer
I'm pretty sure that the sponge is Syconia, not Leucilla. I think the entry in the Hitchhikers Guide should be expanded on this. The sponges that are pictured there are not as common in sumps etc. as are the one that is pictured in this thread.

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