I noticed some "worms" swimming around in my tank last night. The tank is in the process of cycling, and has 90lbs of LR from Gulf-View (I believe it is Carribean?). Anyhow, they are about 1" long, and have two distinct parts, one part stays mostly straight when they swim, and is whitish/clear. The other part is more transparent, seems smaller, and maybe flatish. This other part curls up and spins like mad, which is how they swim. I saw 5-10 of these intermittently swimming around. It seems they like the current coming from my sump, and from a powerhead. They would swim up under the powerhead and then up into the current where they would get blasted to the other side of the tank (75g). They would then proceed back towards the powerhead and do it all over again. Would like an ID so that I know whether or not these are beneficial/harmful. I can try to get a photo, but as they seem nocturnal and move pretty quickly, I don't know how much luck I'll have. TIA