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Advanced Reefer

Hmmm, I'm also at a loss what the species is. I'm confident it's a Paguristes sp., but your guess is as good as mine which species it is.


New Reefer
So....can we pretend its a new species? I figure we can come up with some sort of snappy name to call it by. :wink:

Anybody else with a guess?


I dont know what they are called but I have like ten of them in my 50 gal reef. They dont hurt anything and are fun to watch switch shells they do that often


Experienced Reefer
I do believe that they come from the Caribbean. I think I have heard them called Caribbean Red Leg Hermits. Even though they do not have red legs. HHHmmmm. I do have some in my tank though. Have never seen them bother anything. Nice shots by the way.

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