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Active Reefer
The aiptasia I'm used to seeing have long slim tentacles. These guys have little bubbles on the end of each of their polyps, and have a small green "mouth." The shapes around the mouths are similar to looking at an orange that has been sliced.

All I can tell you is that they are multiplying like crazy, and they have overcrowded, stung, and killed a few stalks of my Xenia.

They also have attached themselves to a bare spot on a Pagoda that I have.

Sorry the pics arent't that great, but here they are. (The Polyps which I am talking about are in the center of the picture in a cluster.)


looks like majano anemones to me

get rid of them asap-they are evil


Active Reefer
I think I took care of it. I chipped it off the live rock it was on with a small screwdriver, (in whole pieces) to prevent any tissue being left behind. I hope it works, and that the stuff never comes back. Fingers crossed....


Advanced Reefer
There are no known majano eater that are safe for reef tanks. The best is to chip them off the rock. Make sure you leave no tissue left as they can grow back like wildfire.

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