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Experienced Reefer
i have about 300 tiny little fan worm like things in my 10 gallon nano. they are whitish almost clear and the head is about the size of this >.< i dont know what they are. i had some feather dusters in there, but never had them reproduce (or atleast havent seen any new ones in any of my other tanks. thi same LR has been in 3 of my tanks but this is the only one with these tiny things in it. any ideas? it looks just like a tiny feather dusters or rock anemone (aiptasia)


I've never seen Aiptasia quite that small, can you get clear pics? There are many species, so all I can speak from is my own experience. You should google Anthony Calfo's paper on using Aiptasia for filtration, it's a riot!


Experienced Reefer
so i should leave them in there? they cant sting... i tried it :roll: and the always pull away but they cant retract which made me think of aiptasia. and they are only on one wall in the tank (the left side) i dont know why but i guess they can stay.. thats a pretty good article


I would leave them be for now. If they start growing out of control (if they're the "classic" Aiptasia they'll definitely get bigger) then you can go with several means of elimination.


Advanced Reefer
They are really tiny tiny feather dusters. I have them in my tank. It started out with maybe about 5. Now I have about 2000 on my liverock, backwall, and snails. The only thing that is annoying about them is you have to scrape them off the glass.


Experienced Reefer
i just scraped 'em hahaha... thats what i thought at first cuz i have some others i recieved on some scarlets and they are 3x as big and have beautiful crowns. they grow very slowly tho so i guess it will tka a while to get them nice and big. :D


Have you looked at any pictures of hydroids? That is what they sound like to me.


If they look like that pic, and are as small as you said, I bet they are hydroids. And there are tons of hydroid types, I am pretty sure you have a non Norway variety!

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