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I have burrowing in my sand a worm I believe of some type...I haven't gotten a great look at it but what I have it seems to be white in color almost looks like a grub. It makes an exit in the sand almost as big as my pinkie and has mounds of sand around it...I also believe it is killing snails and hermits that I have. Any help would be great. Thanks.


hi reefnman, welcome to the board. :wink:

any chance you could take a snapshot of the critter and post it for us?


Advanced Reefer
Reefnman, welcome to Reefs.org.

Not very sure of what you might be seeing, but you can browse http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/ and see if what you saw is pictured here. How do you know it's killing your snails and hermits? Chances are snails and hermits died due to water quality problems.

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