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Advanced Reefer
I have searched the Forum and cant seem to find an ID. These snails started to appear one or two at a time. They are Black with cream colored spots. There are at least 12-15 in there now. At their largest they are about 1/2 CM long. Their shells are not smooth but rather have a rough textutre and are long cones with little points on them, more hermit like than say turbo snails. They travel along the rocks, glass and sand bed. Havent seen the go near corals yet. They seem to be reproducing quity rapidly. My digital cammera coudn't zoom in close enough to produce a usable image. What the hell are they?



Advanced Reefer
No clue based on your description, but if they are reproducing in the tank and eating algae, its a good thing! There are a few varieties of snails that reproduce well in our tanks... Here is the egg sack from a species I used to have in my tank:


Keep an eye on them, if they are reproducing and not hurting anything, then its good.



Advanced Reefer
Cool pic.. Havent seen then do anything to my corals, not too worried about them but was just currious.... Thanks !!

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