K Kowkilla Reefer Jan 25, 2003 #1 I need help IDing the following things. The first is a sponge but what type(and how do you know if a sponge is still alive? The second is a snail that came in with my live rock, not sure if it is reef safe. Any help would be greatly appreciated... Attachments tank1 104.jpg 190 KB · Views: 444
I need help IDing the following things. The first is a sponge but what type(and how do you know if a sponge is still alive? The second is a snail that came in with my live rock, not sure if it is reef safe. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
K Kowkilla Reefer Jan 25, 2003 #2 Here is the snail... Attachments tank1 105.jpg 179.3 KB · Views: 441
W Will C1 Advanced Reefer Jan 25, 2003 #3 the sponge is cinachyra alloclada from florida very hardy, as for the snail i have never seen one like that before it is very cool lookink though.
the sponge is cinachyra alloclada from florida very hardy, as for the snail i have never seen one like that before it is very cool lookink though.