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New Reefer
I can't get a picture of this cause its barely noticeable. There is a small crack in my LR at times the crack will open up and 1 small apendage can barely be seen. If there is alot of movement in front of the tank the crack will close up completely. I have not noticed any eyes or other features, just the 1 reddish colored blunt appendage. Any one have any ideas on this one?

Will C1

Advanced Reefer
it could be many things from a crab to a shrimp to a clam watch it longer and see if you can get a better description. better yet go out to your tank at like 3am and shine a flashlight on it. i found a couple of hitch hiker crabs that way.


New Reefer
I've tried checking the tank several times late night and early morning, still can't get a clear veiw. Guess I'll have to keep checking for a while, maybe try the glass trick and see if I can catch anything.

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