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Will C1

Advanced Reefer
in my tank i have these small snail about a 1/16" and smaller they like to hang out on the glass and eat the alge their. they are cone shaped with small black bands on them. they arent a spawn from existing snails because they just showed up by the hundereds in my fish only tank which has no snails in it. i think they came with the live sand as i did not see them before that. anybody got a clue?


Sounds a lot like what I have right now too.. I've had them isolated for the last week and a half in a ziplock bag and just this morning found out that I think they might be young trochus snails.. (So back in they went!)

Check this image out

Does that look anything like what you have?? My lights are crap and the snails are so young/small that there isn't hardly any growth on their shells yet but the bands on them look an awful lot like the pic there.. I've got about 5 of them that (I think) came from a piece of made baserock.


oh, and i isolated them because i've heard of some kind w/ black bands that are polyp-eaters.. not a concern in your FO tank though i suppose...

Will C1

Advanced Reefer
no they have solid bands not checkerd and i've had them for months and they havent grown i just keep noticeing more of them.


Advanced Reefer
I'd highly doubt they are tiger trochus. There are thousands of species out there that aren't common in the aquarium trade, or aren't sold for retail, period.

I'd bet that a quick perusal of the HHFAQ link listed at the top of this forum will lead you to an image that looks like this-

I'd venture to guess that this is the critter you're seeing.


And to think I must have passed over that pic and description next to it about half a dozen times trying to find something on those little buggers...

Thanks Chucker.. Looks like you're right on the mark!

Will C1

Advanced Reefer
yes they do look more like those but very tiny. i cant even get a pic of them there so small. what is that snail anyway?

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